Bank Risks The types of banking business risks can be divide as follows : a. Know effect partially CAR and NPL on ROA banking listing on IDX. Know effect simultaneously CAR and NPL on ROA banking listing on IDX. Is the CAR and NPL an effect partially on ROA on banking companies listing on IDX? Purpose of the study as follows: 1. Is the CAR and NPL simulataneously influence the ROA on banking companies listing on IDX? 2. By knowing the level of CAR, NPL and ROA, it can be seen the financial performance of each bank, if the bank has been working efficiently and can also be shown the soundness of the bank. In effect, the IFI’s CAR falls below 8 percent minimum requirement so that in September 2008 entry under special supervision by Bank Indonesia.

Market with a statutory violation (in Indonesia Giro Wajib Minimum / GWM) and up to 24 percent surge in NPL. While the owner was also able to recue or selling shares. Revocation IFI Bank done because the bank health continued to deteriorate,ġ0th UBAYA INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON MANAGEMENT As examples of cases in Indonesia related to the closing of a bank because of the erosion of CAR due to the level of NPL, which has exceeded the maximum limit set by Bank Indonesia (BI), amounting to 5% is a case of IFI Bank. So that CAR is also closely linked to liquidity conditions (Dendawijaya,2005). Bank capital is not optimal, so that the bank will not be able to meet the standards of a healthy CAR. Profitability is low, then the bank will not be able to increase its capital. Banks can not optimize its capital if banks keep liquidity is too high it will be a lot of idle funds, so the profitability is low. Health is the influenced by the level of bank capital bank liquidity, the bank’s ability to meet its shortterm obligations or liability that is due. Assessment of capital to banks based on the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is a ratio minimum capital obligations that must be owned by the bank. Because capital is very infortant factor in business development bank. A bank operations can be good if the bank has sufficient capital. Fund-raising activities conducted by the banking industry will affect stability of the banking industry. One of the rules that need to be made to regulate the banking system is the regulation of bank capital that serves as a buffer against potential losses (The crisis in the banking sector in 1997, either directly or indirectly related to the activities normally performed by the banking industry it self.

It aims to maintain customer confidence in the banking system. Keywords : Capital Adquacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loan (NPL), Return on Asset (ROA).īackground The word of banking is very important place in the economy of the country, because of the importance of the role of banks in the performance of the function it needs to be well and properly. While testing partial show that CAR doesn’t have a significant effect on ROA, but NPL have significant effect on ROA. The test results showed that simultaneous CAR and NPL had on significant effect on ROA. The research using multiple linier regression analysis model, using data processing program PASW statistic 18.

Rima Rachmawati Lecturer of Faculty Economy at Widyatama University-Indonesia Doctoral Student at Padjadjaran University E-mail :, mobile phone : +6281572997995Ībstract The Study will examine the effect of CAR an the level of NPL to ROA on the banks contained in ISE. 10th UBAYA INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON MANAGEMENT EFFECT CAPITAL ADEQUANCY RATIO (CAR) AND NON PERFORMING LOAN (NPL) ON RETURN ON ASSET (ROA) BANKING IN INDONESIA (Survey on Indonesia Stock Exchange /IDX)